Wednesday 25 January 2012

What a Riot!

Hello friends,
So the past few days have been quite hectic and if you have been keeping up with my facebook status', you  would understand why.
In a nutshell, the Student body here at UB is unimpressed with the multiple changes going on campus. This includes things like: the on campus bar potentially being closed, the ending of supplementary exams, canceling inter-varsity sports, and the medical school not being up to date on the curriculum or the resources to provide students with. 
Because of the these issues, the students began to protest last Thursday, gathering in the student centre to start open discussions which turned into a lot of rowdiness quickly. 
Soon after, a ban of students became a mob and starting running through campus shouting, yelling and blowing horns in hopes of getting noticed and hopefully in light of being heard by the board. 
It died down during the weekend but sure enough, picked right up again yesterday with angry students in mobs running and chanting all over campus, picking students out of class to join them. 
Professors let students go early from class in fear of being attacked, some professors didn't even show up to class in fear of being harassed. 
Needless to say, SHIT GOT CRAY. 
I ran at least 5 times out of the cafeteria, open areas and out of class. I nearly once thought people were going to hit me- they looked angry as hell.
Later yesterday, I decided to go to class with a friend and a girl walked up to us and said " what are you doing?, you know if you go down there you're going to get shot". Immediately, we started walking back to residence ( no way in hell I'm going to class when I could be safe)
The police did get involved yesterday evening because of the barricades the students made to block cars from coming through and preventing cars from leaving campus. 
The police had to come fully enforced with their gear and they did some damage control.
Unfortunately, the mobs and riots are out of hand to the point where the University of Botswana has declared an official strike and classes are cancelled until Monday of next week. 
Though, at first this seemed very exciting and new, I did start to get tired of running from people every where I went. I do want to just go to school and learn without interruptions.

But on a happier note, because of this break, the international students are treating it as an early spring break to explore places close by, and have some adventure! 
A few of us are going to take a road trip to Sun City in South Africa tomorrow and stay there until Sunday night!! Sun city looks exquisite and apparently it is an oasis vacation spot in Southern Africa- so hellz yes I'm on that! Hoping to do some swimming and safari tours as well.

So here's how you take something negative and turn it into a positive
- yes, pitbull is to blame for that line! 
I'm attaching some pictures of Sun city- start getting Jelly! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, Sun city looks BEAUTIFUL! You would encounter a riot, you probably put the idea in their heads haha. I am glad you are staying safe and having a blast! Love yah long time and miss yah!! D <3
